My Account
Edit Account Info Your Email serves as login to your account.
Verify Email Please verify your Email to have full access to all your account services. Please note we cannot communicate with you properly if your Email is not correct. More...
Contact Details These are details of the account owner. Any questions about orders/quotes submitted with this account will only be answered using these contact details.
Address Book You can have as many addresses as you need under this account, private or business. You can use them as both Bill-to and Ship-to addresses, which will then appear on our offer and invoices. The order should be paid by the Bill-to entity, and we will send the order to the Ship-to address.
Add Address To enter a new address to the Address Book.
Orders This page is to monitor your orders. You can cancel your order if you decide not to pay. You can restore it at any time. If you decide to go ahead, click on the Order link. Print the Order and use the Payment Options to pay. After you have paid, the Orders page will show: confirmation we have received your payment, your tax invoice (or several invoices if we ship in parts), and courier tracking details.
Account Statement These are your payments against our tax invoices. Balances are shown in original currencies.
Tax Invoices A list of all tax invoices.
Payments A list of all your payments received.
Shipments A list of all shipments with tracking information.
Debit/Credit Notes A list of all debit and credit notes.