High resolution titles: 720 x 480.
28 font and size combinations.
Drop shadow, outline, bold, variable character spacing.
Over a million colors - apply separately to letters, outline, background and border.
24 special effects (fades and wipes), eight speeds.
Scroll and crawl (eight speeds). Scroll-in one direction, hold, scroll-out another direction.
Superimpose (genlock): Title over video, or use video for letters, outlines, or borders.
Each line can use a different font, size, and style and different colors for letter, outline, and shadow.
32 rainbow and pixel patterns, including animated patterns, can be applied to backgrounds, letters, outlines/shadows, and borders.
Background video mix: Mix colors or patterns with video for see-through or tinted-video effects.
4,000 character memory with battery back-up.
On-screen text editing features include undo and clipboard-style copy and moveFull keyboard includes special and foreign characters such as (c), ü, D, etc.
Built-in demo shows features.
Video inputs and outputs. Both S-video and composite (RCA) jacks for video in and out.
GPI trigger input allows remote trigger of titles from external controller (such as Thumbs Up editor).
28 font and size combinations.
Drop shadow, outline, bold, variable character spacing.
Over a million colors - apply separately to letters, outline, background and border.
24 special effects (fades and wipes), eight speeds.
Scroll and crawl (eight speeds). Scroll-in one direction, hold, scroll-out another direction.
Superimpose (genlock): Title over video, or use video for letters, outlines, or borders.
Each line can use a different font, size, and style and different colors for letter, outline, and shadow.
32 rainbow and pixel patterns, including animated patterns, can be applied to backgrounds, letters, outlines/shadows, and borders.
Background video mix: Mix colors or patterns with video for see-through or tinted-video effects.
4,000 character memory with battery back-up.
On-screen text editing features include undo and clipboard-style copy and moveFull keyboard includes special and foreign characters such as (c), ü, D, etc.
Built-in demo shows features.
Video inputs and outputs. Both S-video and composite (RCA) jacks for video in and out.
GPI trigger input allows remote trigger of titles from external controller (such as Thumbs Up editor).