Tonghui TH2821B Portable LCR Meter

by Tonghui
Tonghui TH2821B Portable LCR Meter
The TH2821B LCR Meter can measure 6 basic parameters inductance L, capacitance C, resistance R, impedance Z, dissipation factor D and quality factor Q. It has measurement accuracy of 0.3% and 4-bin sorting. Applied complete 5-terminal measurement configuration solves problem of measurement for equivalent series resistance and capacitor with small dissipation that other portable LCR meters can't solve. It can replace general low-frequency LCR meter.

With battery external power supply, the meter is ideal for field and portable applications, such as component inspection at fixed place, and immediate measurement by buyer and maintenance personnel.


Only portable LCR meter at home
Large LCD display
Basic accuracy : 0.3% with resolution of 0.01%
5-terminal measurement configuration, providing accurate ESR and dissipation measurement
Main and sub parameters displayed
Good reading stability
Sweep correction
Battery and external power supply


Dimension : 200mm x 95mm x 40mm
Net weight : 0.4 kg


In the Box

TH26027 4-terminal Kelvin Test Clip Leads
TH26028 AC Power Adapter
1604A 9V Model 1604A 9V Battery
