* OLED Display Technology - 960 x 540 Panel Resolution
* 4:3 / 16:9 Aspect Ratio Selection
* Monoaural Speaker
* Adjustable Color Temperature (High/ Low/ User)
* Parallel Remote
* Scan Mode (Over, Full, Native)
* Removable Protection Panel
* Mono/ Blue only mode
* Various area markers, including a center marker and aspect markers
* Three Color Tally
* Seven language on-screen menu
* 3 mode power system - AC100V, DC12V, Battery Adaptor
* Flip display for use on 3D rigs
* Composite input / output standard
* 3G SDI input / output standard
* 3G SDI input auto-detects between SD-SDI, HD-SDI and 3G SDI
* HDMI Input standard
* Peaking feature for exact camera focus
* PC input signals through HDMI input (HDPC compatible)
* Cast aluminum chassis and display protection panel for rough handling
* Silent mode for on set use when fan noise is not tolerable
* Seven assignable "F keys" for instant access to most any function
* AC, DC, and battery operation. AC adapter is included
* Internal Waveform monitor with -4%, 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, and 109% gradicule
* Internal audio monitoring including graphic bar display and speaker
* 4:3 / 16:9 Aspect Ratio Selection
* Monoaural Speaker
* Adjustable Color Temperature (High/ Low/ User)
* Parallel Remote
* Scan Mode (Over, Full, Native)
* Removable Protection Panel
* Mono/ Blue only mode
* Various area markers, including a center marker and aspect markers
* Three Color Tally
* Seven language on-screen menu
* 3 mode power system - AC100V, DC12V, Battery Adaptor
* Flip display for use on 3D rigs
* Composite input / output standard
* 3G SDI input / output standard
* 3G SDI input auto-detects between SD-SDI, HD-SDI and 3G SDI
* HDMI Input standard
* Peaking feature for exact camera focus
* PC input signals through HDMI input (HDPC compatible)
* Cast aluminum chassis and display protection panel for rough handling
* Silent mode for on set use when fan noise is not tolerable
* Seven assignable "F keys" for instant access to most any function
* AC, DC, and battery operation. AC adapter is included
* Internal Waveform monitor with -4%, 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, and 109% gradicule
* Internal audio monitoring including graphic bar display and speaker