The handle on Helmet Kit could be adjusted within a certain range for balance as per your needs during shooting, thus it offer the cameraman a perfect handheld experience.
The top plate could provide solid protection for DMW-XLR1 microphone adapter and it comes with an abundance of 1/4'' and 3/8'' threaded holes for DIY operations.
The cage fits the camera perfectly, and it blocks no access to the SD card slot, battery compartment, and all camera controls.
The cage benefits your Panasonic GH5 camera in video production by strengthening protection and stability.
The top plate could provide solid protection for DMW-XLR1 microphone adapter and it comes with an abundance of 1/4'' and 3/8'' threaded holes for DIY operations.
The cage fits the camera perfectly, and it blocks no access to the SD card slot, battery compartment, and all camera controls.
The cage benefits your Panasonic GH5 camera in video production by strengthening protection and stability.